Morning routine advice:
1. Starts the night before: Write down true things you are absolutely grateful for, things that you already have in your life. Friends, family, possessions, etc. Also create a small list of happy thoughts and reminders. This is for a morning time message to yourself.
2. Wake up to a pleasant and exciting sounding alarm or song! Place the alarm source away from your bed, so you can't reach over during REM sleep and turn it off. This happens to me a lot, causing me to be super late (unnecessary stress)! This hopefully will get you up and out of bed without a struggle.
3. Read your list from the night before, smile, and carry that gratitude with you through the day.
4. Stretch to wake up your body, and after have a wholesome breakfast. Refined foods will only leave you hungry before its even lunch time!
5. Lastly, make a promise to yourself of something you will strive achieve today. My promise today: to stay positive through out my rigorous work day. Because as I pass all of the unemployed on my daily walk to work, I am truly grateful to actually be working.
Love, Bianca.
p.s.- be sure to subscribe to A Lotta Love! thanks a million
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